Your donation will empower us to provide nurturing care and quality education to every child in our community. Please help us raise our world, one child at a time by donating today. Your support will make a difference that will last a lifetime. Join us in shaping a brighter future for our children. Thank you for your generosity!
What Your Donation Means to Our Children
Your donation ensures they eat nutritious food every day.
Your donation provides clothes and essential items for daily living.
Your donation equips them with books, school supplies, and technology for learning.
Your donation improves their dormitories, classrooms, and other living spaces.
Your donation enables us to hire quality staff people and teachers to support them in all they do.
Your donation supports the development of our sustainability and income-generating initiatives.
Your donation gives hope and opportunity to every child in our community.
Prefer to donate by mail? Send checks made payable to HEAL: PO Box 4085, Philadelphia, PA, 19118